“Woah, who’s this?” is a typical question we get when folks meet Pip for the first time, and it’s never asked in a bad way. There is no stranger to Pip, and she will pour her full attention, love and passion into you without holding back while still maintaining a strong discipline to behave as desired. If she is not at heel or sitting with her head in your lap, she is close by patiently waiting to be called upon for any task. These attributes and her incredible off switch are truly refreshing and will bring so much value to our breeding program, but that’s not all Pip has to offer the next generation of labradors.
Pip charges out and charges back on retrieves as if she is fetching and delivering a secret message that the world depends on. Naturally steady, quick on the whistle and easy to handle are the first things that come to mind with her. Coming from Scotland, her upbringing was in a very diverse set of terrains and environments that can shake a dog off their straight line easily, but not for Pip – she is a great lining dog that doesn’t require a ton of reassurance or pressure to maintain a given a line, even in the swift Kansas winds. Her memory and marking ability live up to the qualities above and we feel beyond blessed to have her as a companion and gundog.
Pip’s pedigree is a beautiful melting pot of key producers like FTCH Beiley’s Agguzanis of Fendawood, FTCH Apache Joe, FTCH Emmawood Drake, FTCH Ragweeds Travel. Pip made her journey to the U.S. in October of 2023 carrying pups bred by FTCH Ash Lightning of Leadburn. This was her second litter. Her first litter took place in Scotland, sired by Young Billy Steel’s IGL Championship Winner FTCH Harperrig Breac. Hearing the words “Field Trial Champion quality offspring” was music to our ears when asking how that litter is coming along. We look forward to seeing how they progress as they begin their field trial careers, especially knowing our girl Pip is their momma.
We look forward to days afield with Pip, future pairings and what she will bring to the next generation!