FTCh Sarnesfield Midnight Run “Ozzy”
Ozzy is a big teddy-bear of a dog who came to us from our friend Andrew Rooney of Drumindoney Gundogs in Ireland. He has an absolutely fantastic personality, you can’t help but love him the moment you meet him. He wants to snuggle with everyone and absolutely loves children.
In the field, Ozzy is all business. With his large size and long strides, he can cover ground very quickly. He is an excellent natural game-finder and a good marking dog. He stops on a dime no matter the distance, and he will handle quite well as long as he trusts his handler!
Ozzy earned his FTCh title with Andrew in Ireland and was chosen to represent Ireland at the International Game Fair in 2021 and 2022. The Irish retriever team won the game fair, with the help of Ozzy, both years. He also qualified for the Irish Retriever Championship both years, earning a diploma of merit in 2021.
Ozzy’s pedigree includes FTCh Rimrock Hurricane, a solid-producing stud. We have been able to work with several of his offspring and we love the drive and grit he puts into them. He has fantastic health results, genetically clear of all DNA
- Second Place Ulster Retriever Club Two-Day Stake
- First Place Broadmeadows Gundog Club Open Stake
- Winning Team 2022 International Game Fair (Ireland)
- Certificate of Merit 2021 Irish Retriever Championship
- Second Place Kilkenny Gundog Club 16 Dog Open Stake
- First Place Dalcassian Gun Dog Club 16 Dog Open Stake
- Third Place Fermanagh Gundog Club Two-Day Stake
- Winning Team 2021 International Game Fair (Ireland)
Hips: 2:0 | Elbows: 0 | Eyes: Unaffected (BVA) | DNA: PRA, CNM, EIC, & SD2 Clear