FTW Tildaross “Cedar”
Cedar is Mr. Personality around the kennel. He is a gorgeous British Labrador in every way, as driven as they come, and never meets a stranger. He was socialized, trained, and handled extremely well by Lee Hayman of Tildaross Labradors. He shares some of the fantastic traits found in his older half-brother, Arden. Cedar won his first ever competition, a novice stake working test held by the Suffolk Gundog Club. Cedar’s dam, Leadburn Matilda, is a litter sister to Billy Steel Jnr’s FTCh Leadburn Mist who formerly stood stud at Southern Oak Kennels. The bottom half of his pedigree is extremely similar to our first lineage of dogs produced at SOK, which is one reason we were so excited to bring Cedar here to the states. His sire, FTCh Kayteen’s Cruise, is a proven producer and son of world-renowned FTCh Meditarian Blue. Cedar is everything that we love about Labradors, and we are delighted to have him in our kennel.
- First Place Suffolk Gundog Club Novice Stake, Redgrave Park
- Third Place & Guns Choice Norwich Gundog Club Novice Stake
- First Place The Mid-Norfolk Gundog Club Novice Stake, Cockley Cley Hall
- Second Place The Essex All-Aged Stake, Ampton Estate
Hips: 5:3| Elbows: 0 | Eyes: Unaffected (BVA)
DNA: PRA, CNM, EIC, & SD2 Clear